VASER LipoSelection is not your everyday liposuction. It is a far more advanced technology with a sophisticated surgical outlook. When Dr. de Villiers uses VASER, he doesn't just see unwanted fat to suck away. He sees the potential for aesthetic enhancement and sculpture that will boost your confidence and change your life forever.
VASER is an incredibly adaptable machine. It is so gentle and easy to control that super delicate areas like the face, neck, chin, knees, calves, and even ankles can be treated. But, thicker and heavier fat is no match for this silent beast of beauty-making. The VASER machine knocks out those thick love handles and abdominal rolls and back fat.
Other areas that can be treated include: waist, breasts, upper arms, inner and outer thighs, hips.
The procedure itself happens in three stages:
Do you long for a super-sexy set of six-pack abs?
How about bulging biceps or perfect thighs?
And what about the perfect butt to boot?
Dr. Ernu de Villiers is proud to offer his NAMP patients the hottest and most sophisticated liposuction procedure on the planet: VASER 4D Sculpt.
This procedure uses the VASER LipoSelection technology to literally sculpt your "okay" body into a steamy sculpture that is bikini and beach ready.
If you have been practically living in the gym, trying to get the muscular definition and tone that you've always wanted, then 4D Sculpt is for you.
Liposculpture begins where traditional liposuction and the basic LipoSelection procedures end. To enhance the muscles you've worked so hard for, Dr. de Villiers uses the VASER technology to literally sculpt away your unwanted fat.
By utilizing techniques fundamental to the fine art of sculpting - such as light, dimension, and shadow - Dr. de Villiers creates mountains and valleys out of your muscles.
For example, in liposculpting the male abdominal muscles for a rock-hard "six-pack" appearance, Dr. de Villiers would leave small layers of fat over the top of the muscle, but heavily aspirate fat from between the muscles. Thus, the muscle itself is enhanced, and the lines between appear like deep, ripped valleys. The result is an athletic abdomen with "six-pack" abs. In the same way, Dr. de Villiers then creates a tight waistline, toned arms, solid thighs, and the buttocks of your dreams.
If you are ready to take the next step and finally get the definition you've been dreaming of, schedule a consultation for 4D Sculpt with Dr. de Villiers today.
VASER 4D HIGH DEF Broshure in PDF (899KB)
As we age, it is inevitable that, our facial skin begins to wrinkle and sag. This happens due multiple factors, with abnormal facial muscle dynamics playing a major role in creating negative facial lines and thus the illusion of premature facial aging.
Thankfully, there is Botox .
Botox is a Neurotoxin witch works in the Nerve-Muscle junction The treatment works by blocking signals from the brain in the nerve-muscle interface - in a harmless way. The effects of Botox are 100% reversible and muscle movement returns to normal after a few months.
After the procedure, fine lines around your eyes will begin to relax, while frown or smile lines around your mouth will appear less defined. Even the deepest lines of stress between your eyebrows or concentration grooves in your forehead can be treated effectively.
A. The American FDA recently approved Botox for treatment of stress and muscular headaches as well as migraines. Botox has also been approved internationally for treating excessive sweating (Hyperhydrosis); nervous twitches; scar management, and Botox breast lifts.
Fill your permanent lines.
Our fully trained Aesthetics Practitioners makes use of Dermal Fillers from the Juvaderm®, Esthelles and Restalyne range to fill any permanent facial lines and to add volume to any desired areas in the face.
The Dermal Fillers consist of Stabilized Haluronic Acid and is injected into and under the skin, depending on the area that is being treated and the effect that is desired.
We advise you to avoid using aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a couple of days before your Dermal Filler injection. This reduces the risk of bruising and bleeding at the area of injection.
If this will be your first visit, you will need to provide your practitioner with information on your medical history and any current problems, as well as details of any allergies you have or medications you are taking. There is no need for an allergy test, unless your practitioner feels it's necessary.
For the first 24 hours following treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sun or heat exposure, and alcoholic beverages in order to help minimize the risk of temporary redness, swelling and/or itching.
The Skin Rejuvenation System consists of a series of glycolic acid superficial peels, often called "lunch-time peels" available in 4 strengths: 20%, 35%, 50% and 70%. A physician or a trained Medical Aesthetician applies the concentrate to the skin for 2 to 5 minutes at monthly intervals, as required. It is an effective exfoliation that results in baby smooth skin. Peels result in less downtime, are less invasive and less expensive than most other procedures.
The concept of Micro Needling has in the recent years developed into a very exciting topic.
The idea is that by creating trauma to the Dermis, Growth Factors are released, thus stimulating the formation of new healthy collagen. This process tightens the skin and reduces unsightly lines in even those very difficult to treat areas.
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The renowned Lamprobe has become exceptionally popular amongst skin care practitioners - in countries around the world - for the same universal reasons:
Rapid Treatment with Instantaneous Results
The Lamprobe 4000 is a unique instrument for the effective treatment of a wide range of common minor skin irregularities.
Lamprobe treatments are exceptionally quick (3-5 seconds), withinstantaneous results. One treatment only is required.
Skin conditions effectively treated by the Lamprobe include:telangiectasia, milia, cholesterol deposits, clogged pores, cherry angiomas, spider naevi, skin tags, fibromas, pimples and acne.
Non-invasive with Minimum Discomfort
The astounding Lamprobe, developed by Hubert Lam, uses radio, high frequency technology to treat minor skin abnormalities, without penetrating the skin’s surface.
The discomfort level experienced by the client is tolerable, with the sensation produced feeling much like a tight pinch to the skin. No anesthesia is required.
Value-Added, Revenue-Enhancing Service
Lamprobe services are generally offered by practitioners as a facultative, add-on service during standard skin care treatments or as a stand-alone service.
As an add-on service, practitioners particularly appreciate that Lamprobe treatments are so rapid that they generally do not lengthen the duration of a client’s regular treatment session.
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Dr. Ernu de Villiers is proud to announce that Sclerotherapy is now available at Namibia Aesthetics.
Sclerotherapy is the treatment of unwanted veins by the intra-vascular injection of a sclerosing agent. This agent/medicine causes destruction of the inner lining of the vein, ultimately followed by re-absorption of the unwanted vein.
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A hypotrophic scar is a cutaneous condition characterized by deposits of excessive amounts of collagen which gives rise to a raised scar, but not to the degree observed with keloids. Like keloids, they form most often at the sites of pimples, body piercings, cuts and burns. They often contain nerves and blood vessels. They generally develop after thermal or traumatic injury that involves the deep layers of the dermis and express high levels of TGF-β.
Also mechanical tension on a wound has been identified as a leading cause for hypotrophic scar formation.
When a normal wound heals, the body produces new collagen fibers at a rate which balances the breakdown of old collagen. Hypotrophic scars are red and thick and may be itchy or painful. They do not extend beyond the boundary of the original wound, but may continue to thicken for up to six months. They usually improve over the one or two years, but may cause distress due to their appearance or the intensity of the itching; they can also restrict movement if they are located close to a joint.
Some people have an inherited tendency to this type of scarring, for example, those with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Classic Type. It is not possible to completely prevent hypotrophic scars, so those who have suffered from them should inform their doctor or surgeon if they need to have surgery. Scar therapies are available which may speed up the process of change from a hypotrophic scar to a flatter, paler one.
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Dr. Ernu de Villiers is excited to offer clinical grade body piercings.
If you are considering a body piercing, please consider using the safest route possible: in a clinic, under sterile conditions, with a medical doctor. This ensures sterilization and the utmost care, skill, and technique, not to mention safety just in case something goes wrong.
Plus, with Dr. Ernu de Villiers, you have a doctor who is as equally passionate about body enhancement as any other piercer or tattoo artist in town.
Piercings symbolize the epitome of confidence and self-expression. Well-placed piercings can enhance facial characteristics, while body piercings can be attractive and appealing for many people.
All piercing studs are the highest quality surgical steel and performed by Dr. de Villiers himself under sterile conditions.